Patient resources.

Just for you.


ITB Friction Syndrome

ITB friction syndrome can be of great frustration to runners. FInd out what it is and what you need to do about it by dowloading our free information sheet below.

Struggling with Muscle Cramps

Check out the information sheet below on our special solution for the dreaded cramp.

Plantar Fascia Syndrome

Pindara is an industry leader in the treatment of Plantar Fasciitis at our Heel Pain Clinic. Have a look at the below hand out to find out more about the condition, how it can be treated and how we can help you!

Corks by Hardy Sattler

A common yet simple injury seen in contact sports, a ’cork’ or direct trauma can cause significant time away from activity. This simple fact sheet provides a management approach to help ensure the quickest recovery.

Muscle Strains by Hardy Sattler

Muscle tears or strains are by far the most common injury seen across all Sports, but unfortunately are often poorly managed in the acute setting. Getting this management right by adhering to the simple tips in this fact sheet can dramatically facilitate the athlete's recovery.


How to Tape Your Knee Cap for Patello Femoral Pain

Taping for Patello Femoral pain is not new and I’ve been using this very successfully since the mid Eighties (yes…over 25 years) First described by Jenny McConnell, we first thought that the taping was actually changing the Knee cap position (and it still “appears” like this when you tape it up correctly) ….what we feel is happening though, is what we call “proprioceptive”….that is the body uses the sensation of the tape on the skin as information…and the result of this information is that the muscles “fire” a little better and reduce the load on the knee cap as they do so….pretty clever stuff, and for some people…marked change in their knee cap pain very quickly.

It’s not the only treatment for knee cap pain we provide here….in fact we’ve developed a check list of nearly 30 items which we feel affects knee cap tracking, and we’ll assess all of these on your assessment.

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Pindara Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine is the leading provider of Physiotherapy and Allied Health Services on the Gold Coast.

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27 Carrara Street

Benowa, Gold Coast QLD, 4217

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